A few weeks ago some of my potato pots were looking like this, coming along great. I figured I had a few months before they would be ready.
Well a few weeks ago the leaves started dying off (these are the pots where I did not cover them in our last freeze and I had some leaf die back and they did seem to recover). I started noticing that more and more leaves started to die. I guess I had envisioned large leaves in the pot and then the leaves turning yellow as a sign that the potatoes would be ready. I guess these plants were stressed and gave up.
I decided to check to see what was under the soil and see if anything was salvageable at least the soil may have been.
Here is what I found from 2 of the 3 buckets:
This is the end result from 2 of the buckets where the leaves were gone. I did not have a scale, so not sure how much they all weighed, maybe 2-3 pounds combined.
There is one bucket left with one stem of leaves hanging on. I will wait until it is gone to harvest any potatoes.
I do have other pots and a another potato bed containing potatoes planted later, so I will post when those are ready to be harvested.